Rolling River includes all meals and snacks with tuition and our varied menu is planned with nutrition and balance in mind. Our in-house food service is overseen by our Dining Supervisor who specializes in both camp catering and large-scale, year-round events. A team of dedicated food service professionals work daily with our Dining Supervisor to create a delicious menu of lunch and snack options for both campers and staff.
Rolling River offers a daily lunch menu and a variety of snacks.
- Lunch is a main “hot course”, side dish, and dessert of fruit, pudding or other light and nutritious item.
- Campers may also choose from our abundant substitute lunch menu, which features a variety of offerings including bagels with butter or cream cheese, turkey sandwiches, yogurt and more.
- A daily afternoon snack is always provided to campers as well (the Skipper Division, 1st and 2nd graders also receive a morning snack). Snacks include ice cream, ices, pretzels, graham crackers and more.
- Cold drinks including water and juice are served throughout the day.
Rolling River is a PEANUT AWARE camp. This means that we do not serve peanut butter or any products that may contain peanuts or have been made in a plant that may use them in processing. Our highly experienced food service provider is always ready to work with campers with dietary concerns, including food allergies. Kosher and gluten-free meals are available upon request.
Depending on their age group, campers may eat in our air-conditioned cafeteria, Pilot House classrooms or under the Main Courtyard Tent. Group counselors are responsible for setting up lunch tables as well as serving the food from the kitchen.