An act of creativity, such as creating a beautiful painting or developing an innovative new product, can be wonderful and inspiring. But to qualify as innovative, an idea does not need to be imaginative or world-changing. Life requires regular acts of imagination and creative workarounds; almost everyone has innate creativity in this aspect.
Research shows that creative thinking involves creating new connections between different regions of the brain, achieving this by promoting divergent thinking skills and actively exposing oneself to new experiences and learning. While experimental psychologists are interested in exploring innovative thinking, clinical psychologists often advise patients to use artistic expression as a means of confronting difficult feelings.
It is in everyone’s interest to foster creative impulses, regardless of one’s day job. How will anyone shake their way of thinking? Creativity is linked to many factors— including favorable conditions, perfect partners, personality traits, spirituality, and just a touch of serendipity. Finding the right combination of these is not always straightforward, but the results are worth it.
Creativity is improved as kids utilize different shapes, hues, and sizes of barnacle blocks/Lego to develop many-sided plans, be it a police headquarters or a shuttle venturing out to the moon. Creativity and creative minds are cultivated when kids have no constraints on what they can make. In this circumstance, there is no set in stone, so youngsters can investigate their creativity without the dread of disappointment.
Barnacle Blocks/Lego, specifically, has been demonstrated to be great at a few different things, such as understanding spatial relations. It’s referred to just like an incredible instrument for helping youngsters understand the premise of STEM-related fields, with extremely clear and evident advantages in things like mechanical designing. Lego’s routinely credited similar to motivation for some youngsters and is as often as possible utilized as an educational medium since it’s appropriate to an exceptionally wide assortment of exercises.
You may think Lego is only a children’s toy – one you played with as a youngster and now step on as you stroll through the house as a parent. Nowadays, be that as it may, the blocks are appearing in a wide range of surprising spots – in plain view in historical centers, in road craftsmanship, in-home redesigns and at work.
Enthusiasm for Barnacle Blocks/Lego has as of late reached out past basic no problem. Sociologists, clinicians, and financial experts have contemplated the utilization of Lego blocks as devices for accomplishing certain parts of the bargains comparable exercises. All things considered, Barnacle Blocks/Lego is an awesome mode for being creative. You can do an interminable number of things with Lego components.
Those playing with Lego are unexpected too, including famous artists. LEGO and Philosophy offer a new perspective. These brightly colored bricks are not mere child’s play. They raise important and challenging questions about creativity and play, conformity and autonomy, identity and culture.
The connection between Lego and creativity is not only alive and well–it’s nuanced. It’s not just the Lego that matters. It’s how you play with it. Each creation of LEGO is a form of art. The only limit is the imagination of a kid! With the hundreds of small components, kids are designers. To create the ideas in their heads, they can use plates, shapes, and even images of people. It can be beneficial, fun, or even therapeutic.
Not just for kids
Recently, interest in Lego has extended beyond the playing of simple children. Sociologists, psychologists, and economists researched the use of Lego bricks as devices by Lego-based therapy and similar activities to accomplish those ends. Tools are intended to use, create, work, feel, teach, visualize, play, and much more. Tools can be for something. When we understand that Lego is a device, its applications are evident beyond pure play. It is indeed a universal tool that can be used to do whatever we can imagine.
The company Lego Group is well aware of the bricks’ role as a universal tool for the imagination: one of its most successful advertisement campaigns carried the minimal tagline “imagine”.
Structured thought, brick by brick
This is also where we need to be more thoughtful, more informed and perhaps even more vigilant about the largest toy company that sells the primary tool for the minds of children. Do we want a for-profit company with front and center commercial and financial interests, controlling what our kids think and directing what our kids think?
The tagline of Lego, “imagine,” implies that the only limit to what you can build is your imagination. Instructions are another set of limits for the creations of Lego-builders, that is if you are the type of player that follows the rules. And here we come to a divide in users of Lego, in favor of free play, between those who dogmatically follow the rules and those who dissect them altogether. In exaggerated characters, the Lego Movie challenges these two types of Lego users.
Breaking down racial stereotypes
That said, Lego’s race and ethnicity issues have been more successful. Its original all-yellow Minifigures may seem to embody an idealistically well-intentioned, racial neutrality, but the representation of race by Lego has tracked the changes in society’s race assumptions. The bricks and figures are tools to show us how we think and to encourage us to change our way of thinking about race.
Lego has the power to challenge the status quo, to encourage critical thinking and deep reflection about the world and to help children and adults alike to rethink the way we should inhabit this planet. Now that would make the popular bricks and blocks a truly innovative and creative tool to improve creativity not just for the kids but for everyone in the future.